Your in-game name: yeahsquirrel The offender's exact in-game name: FTHLYNE A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: The offender...
Your in-game name: yeahsquirrel The offender's exact in game name: SilverFox987 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: the...
.____. ~ Welcome ~.____. Hello there, my name is yeahsquirrel. I would just like to tell you a little about myself. First off, I am 13 years old....
So I'm guessing a lot of you play Pokemon GO, so I decided to make a thread about people saying what level they are and what kind of Pokemon they...
Ever since a few hours ago, Infection has been being very buggy. Such as players with iron armor can't be hit by zombies, and a lot of people are...
Hello, and welcome to Harambe! Harambe is a clan that is server wide. We are hoping to make friends with each other, and have a good time. But,...
Welcome to the thread! This thread is where you can make an application for our Infection clan: Infection Elite. This is an Infection only clan,...
Your In-Game name: yeahsuqirrel The offender's exact In-Game name: TboneMay2001 A description of what rule the broke/how they broke it: I was goon...
IGN/Team Name: the builders were yeahsquirrel and InsanePizza. Map Name: Summer Camp. Gamemode for Map: Infection. Description of Map: Summer Camp...
Moderator Application By: yeahsquirrel Hello there, and thank you for taking the time to read my Moderator Application. I hope you will enjoy my...
I am yeahsquirrel in-game. I am reporting AceMaddDogg for use of speed hacks, fly hacks, antikb, and kill aura in infection.
Hello, my name is Aidan. I am applying for moderator to help stop hackers and to help in general with people. I want you all to only reply with...
About me I am a 12 year old boy, I am in 7th grade and in algebra. My hobbies include: Soccer, Minecraft, Destiny, and many...