Bump! :)
Thank you guys and bump.
Thanks. Any reason?
omg yes
I'm just waiting for my phone to die because the beach y'know. Also this is a redo so things are changed!1!11!!1!1! Welcome to my 100 questions!...
Yeah it is (I think xd)
Oki: paulainmo its_shireen OfficiallyUnknown Clxrity GenyS
ok sorry slothy
jhow be quiet, you sloth thing!1!1!!
good now you can re-apply
I agree, Pile is our senpai
I downloaded a new mod today, it reminded me of you cuz you are opti-fineee
we love you pile
Add OfficiallyUnknown, Clxrity, annnnnnd its_shiree annnnd paulainmo. You guys also have Smiley added 2 times to the list. ;p
was it good though? many people said it was a disappointment
I went on vacation right when my friend got us tickets, KMS
yes yes c: