Statikk_Shiv OrangTang Possible toggle idk 3:45-5:00 [MEDIA]
Statikk_Shiv RealRoses, YoShadowIV, aaslet Kill aura, possible toggling, & walking on water. 00:01-00:45 3:40-3:45 6:40-9:00 (7:19-7:21 he hits be...
Statikk_Shiv iiPro Hacking [MEDIA]
Statikk_Shiv Stange97boy 6:00-6:17 6:40-7:30 [MEDIA]
Statikk_Shiv ChaotiicPvP Harassment, bullying, harassment to gays[ATTACH] [ATTACH] , Swear bypass, & player disrespect.[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Statikk_Shiv prisnfire Kill aura [MEDIA] 00:20-00:30 1-07-1:35 4:25-:435
Hey it's Statikk, I was wondering if I change my ign can I get my plot changed to my new in game name? <- Creative Since I'm pretty sure creative...
Statikk_Shiv 00:20-00:40 K0R0 12:40-12:47 brockherock_777 13:00-13:18 SOMRENDERMON123 Kill aura, auto armor, anti-knockback [MEDIA]
Statikk_Shiv ChickyFTW Spams out [MEDIA] Go to 16:16-16:50
Hey guys, it's Statikk here! One of my best friends, Exponent_ does not have his Titan rank on KitPvP. When I hit tab or type in /list he still...
[ATTACH] Statikk_Shiv sahel_ksa Spam bot
[ATTACH] Statikk_Shiv HolyKnight82 Spam bot advertising.
Keep a Word-Drop a Word Rules I'll start with 2 words You must keep one of those words and add another word. Very simple :) Example 1- Happy...
[ATTACH] Statikk_Shiv Killer_RB Spam Bot
Statikk_Shiv Pokles and others (ign in video) Kill aura, anti kb etc. [MEDIA]
Statikk_Shiv Dutchogamer Toggling [MEDIA]
Statikk_Shiv Wolf_PvP___ Hacking 3:05-3:38 [MEDIA]
This game is really easy! One person starts with something that they don't like doing. The next person has to answer saying why they can't do it....
Statikk_Shiv Treadmill Advertising [ATTACH]
[ATTACH] Statikk_Shiv Mokikoko Advertising