@GbDuck True. *cough* TheTBNRFrags *cough*
Eh. We will see about that.
Banned Youtuber for farming yoo much.
Fortnite gets rekted... oof I forgot! Call of Duty 4 is going to make same thing.
True. Fortnite is too op for Pubg :]
I know where they are.
It is still on report ticket and a waiting for @xBMAN or @Noobcrew to resolve this.
Wanna continue this yeeet boi?
Banned for Force Tping.
How is it complicated?
Good and been really busy in IRL and things going crazy here. Lol
Thank you for the report. Unfortunately the evidence provided is insufficient. Should you gain more evidence in the future, do not hesitate to...
What do you mean its complicated?