Well, uh, this my intro! *Applaud Now* Thank you, thank you! I've been playing Mineverse for the past few months, but only recently started...
This'll be pretty easy to me, since I am non-stop typing on a laptop keyboard. Here we go! BobSheepert Aw yeah! I did it!!!
Hungry... Ohhhh so hungry...
Wow. I just found out who voted for, "No way" Look: http://prntscr.com/43tt6x (Hope this isn't advertising, I'm just showing them a pic.)
You're getting co-owner, not admin, this application is amazing!
You know it! I'll be just like this cat right here.
Banned for being named Nicky.
Listening to my mom and her family members talk about washing pots and pans... Argh!
Banned for having a signature of which is not creative.
Banned for stealing someone's banning reason.
Banned for having TERRIBLE hair.
Banned for wanting to ban someone for posting who wanted to ban you for posting but you banned them before they banned you for posting. BANNED!...
Banned for having a username of which makes no sense whatsoever.