Sorry I'm reporting so many people today, I feel like I'm wasting your time, lol.
Plastic shirts of which are a waste of money.
Well hello whoever is reading this. This is the seventh person I've reported today. It's crazy. But anyways, here we go: Your IGN: BobSheepert...
Thank you all for welcoming me! And thank you someguy for the compliment :)
Really. Again d1amond!?!?!?!
Banned for banning me for editing my post.
Banned for your hilarious signature not coming up. Dang it D1amond, I was gonna write something to Grayson!
That's crazy. How come if we try writing 2 messages next to each other with a 1 second gap, we're warned, but you God ranks can spam chat.
Not really. Some people are patient, some are not. Also, gods can spam as much as they want, they never get the warnings that tell you not to spam
A bit too much advertising... I don't want you to get banned, just quickly warned.
Well hello. This is a report about someone who was spamming the chat, telling people to tpa to someone. I don't think they should be banned, but...
Thanks for replying to the report! :)
Banned for having the largest finger I've ever seen.
Well hello whoever's reading this. Today, I saw a lag machine, and I saw people admit building it, I asked them why, and they said they were...
Woops, I didn't do the actual steps, I'll just put that down here: My IGN: BobSheepert Accused Person's IGN: Globel1Impact and jcrap What rule...
And a future Co-owner. :) :) :)
Just had cereal... Different cereal. A knock-off of Cheerios type of cereal. Except it actually tastes good. Mah Gawd!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I understand the concept that smurfs are singing it makes it pretty weird, but eh.
Well hello anyone who is reading this. Today I was playing a bit of KitPvP, and guess what I found? 2 fast bow hackers! It was crazy! Here's the...
Ah ok.