Well hello. Today, I was looking at someone make redstone piston door. Then all of a sudden two people come along, and turn on fast bow hacks and...
Math. Don't know why...
Awwwwesome. You finally reached 1,000 posts! Congratulations! Everyone party!
When my internet slows down, I slow down...
9.4/10 Cats can be jerks at times... Chip bags all over the floor. (This might sound weird, but that's actually my sister's fault. She's not a...
Well hello again. I just made this thread for people to post pictures that they think are really cool. Quite simple really. Anyways, I guess I'll...
We lost power for a few minutes. Luckily, we have a battery hooked up to out internet and I'm using a laptop, so I was on the forums :3
Why Thank you :) Surprisingly, I've never wrote that on anyone else's moderator application. Huh.
PandaBear_. This will probably be a long paragraph about what I think about you. I doubt it will though, since I'm anxious to get back on...
Oh my god. Should I tag some moderators for you as well? This guy's crazy. (By the way, I hope that didn't sound sarcastic, since it wasn't...
Oh, cool. I'm not sure what pokemon they are though, lol.
Such Detail Many lol Translation: Awesome, xD
That profile picture... It really reminds me of Star Bound, Terraria, and Pixel Piracy. Sadly, I have no idea where it's from. Could you maybe...
One question. Is your real life name Grayson? I'm guessing it is.
So, this is bnraiff?
10/10 Especially pikachu Steel Stripes Covering Windows
Depends, what kind of pizza?... 9.5/10 Potatos
9.4/10 Apple Pie