because they always had
If they have been banned then they have experience, and know the risks of disobeying the rules. Most people change after they have been to the...
Announcement Applying is now closed. Sorry for any inconvenience. The remaining applicants will be discussed privately.
Thank you for applying @uNsLaIn & @Leggomaster1, your applications are being discussed.
Experience and a trustworthy reputation. Building on your moderator application will help.
My skype is off-limits, meaning it does not work. We'll see what happenes
I would support but you are not ready for moderator yet.
Thank you for applying @KingAlex, your application is being discussed.
Thank you for applying @Wario957, your application is being discussed.
There is a conversation, but the forums limits the participants to 6. We are working on increasing the limit
Welcome @ViperSanity.
Thank you for applying @Unidentified, @ViperSanity & @TADS4, your applications are being discussed.
Welcome @Meowmix.
Welcome @OnionWarrior. Welcome @cameron123.
Welcome @tin15cro.
Staff can apply if that is what you mean
Welcome @theman8775.