But that is the point of this thread. If a staff member is banning without evidence, or invalid evidence they will most likely not tell anyone and...
Because not everyone is you, and know how to do that.
Thank you. I'll do further research.
13, here. Ain't nobody got time for FB. How old were you when you first broke something expensive and what was it?
Nice, under 5 How old were you when you first had a crush?
1 How old were you when you first slapped an annoying kid?
I never said that anything was wrong. Just that all of his posts and ratings are dedicated towards you.
@MR_B3N_123 what's your connection with @Daniel_ Wood14 ?
Take all the time you want lol
I know you're going to be busy with all the requests but can you do this skin as an avatar for the forums? Please?...
I banned myself from KitPvP
420... lmao
We've had this style for over a year now, maybe it's time for change? Ex: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/flexile.3094/
Hello, this thread will be dedicated to helping players whom are currently banned without reason or evidence, think of us as legal Mineverse...
Trophy points.
Not all moderators are angles. Some moderators ban without evidence. When asked for the evidence they make up this "leaking information" excuse.
Support, and whom disagreed?
I see that the whole community is now randomly evolving themselves into this thread... There are 'members' for a reason. You might think this is...
Being banned by Noobcrew is a very tricky situation. He owns the server and removes whomever he deems unfit. If he won't respond to you, chances...