1. Look at your competition, are you a match for them? If not, use every word in your capable mind to create the most detailed application, more...
I think forum moderators should be added, or the option to apply on the forums only with no servers, which is the same thing. Please find...
Any developer won't have to code a new plugin at all. Here you go. http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/ender-chest/
Well, the thing about sex is that everyone learns what it is, why delay the exploration? Sex is the meaning of most life must I add.
No support. Your lack of observational skills shows how lazy you are, and how unfit you are for the job.
Hate and love are the same thing, hate forms love and love forms hate. If someone is acting like that towards you just ignore or report them, or...
Hmm... No support. You probably make this suggestion after you lost a fight due to ender pearls.
I don't see why you're apologising for something this small. Everyone has mades these mistakes, no reason to stand out and act like an angel.
Username: Mineterria Offender: Sherkting Offence: Modding. Evidence: [MEDIA]
Username: Mineterria Offender: KitexBro Offence: Modding. Evidence: [MEDIA]
There is no logic behind it, just a bunch of followers. People will always hate others, but when someone hated has power over them they back off...
There are two types of people that report staff. Haters and angels. Haters will blindly report staff with invalid or missing evidence while...
I took a MBTI test awhile back and it turns out I'm an "INTP". So I'm now curious to see what MBTI is the most common in Mineverse. The MBTI test...
Support, although the outside of the building looks very mundane.
Support, but the buildings look lazily done.
Happy birthday