You're not 16.
You getting promoted is less likely than the ozone layer disappearing. No support.
I know, but you've never stated what the plugin would do.
If you died before, why did you not report the issue then? After you have a image of your inventory you only then report? I see a pattern forming...
Looks small, even smaller than the current spawn. Adding some floor designs would make the design more attention catching. Support.
That would not be fun, at all. You have half a heart with your best items in your inventory, do you just give up and let the other player take...
Oh, sorry m6+2.
Support, again. Too many staff infracting ban rules.
Fixed "angles" to proper spelling, lmao.
Wait, if this was added everyone (most) would be breaking the rules. I have given more than 10 likes to @Pile_of_Butts over a period of months for...
If the co-owner can't trust his staff with /vanish, do you think he'll give random players the ability?
It shouldn't even have to be asked. The moderators were promoted to maintain the server, that includes deleting and or locking unnecessary threads...
Did half of you all forget that he is 11, of course there will be spelling mistakes. No reason to judge him because of his education level.
/list. The ranks are sorted for you, staff are normally at the end. I just had a better idea, why not just make a global announcement whenever a...
Banned for copying.
You said it, factions is understaffed.