Got the proof! I did /list and you can see his name at Default rank [ATTACH]
I tried to scroll back up to where he replied the first time, where he said something, but everyone at that time was talking about money and free...
Pretty hard now, he wont respond
My IGN - jasonx9643 That persons IGN - New_Atlus I am pretty sure he hacked, so in the following pictures, it shows New_Atlus standing on top of...
Check out my shop - /warp thisshop , I have the best slogan for it "Don't go to that shop! Go to this shop! - warp thisshop !"
Thanks :P
I'll check it out tomorrow
Yep, if you read my Moderator Application, you'll know when
Cool :) :P
Yes! Lol I would have gotten VIP rank, but... I wanted an Iron Man Arc Reactor T-Shirt that lights up and reacts to sound :p
For you haha, it's 10:12PM and school tomorrow for me
I'll be on in... 9 hours (It's nighttime right now :P)
Wait I though you meant do I play on it, I just got off, sorry
Yep :P :)
Kinda can't show proof cause it's on my phone..
Got it :P Are you proud of me now? :)
Your ingame name: jasonx9643 The offender's ingame name: zakman5 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Zakman5 was flying (He...
Aww okay, thanks though!
Hey, is there a ip to directly connect to Skyblock?
Better? :bitenails: