Let's do it now. Meet m in Factions
<33 Thank youu! When? Now? Where?
OMG I would like to think my mummy, the academy, and everyone from Mineverse for this great opportunity!! *sniff*
Hi ;3
Unfollow meh..pft gurl pls. *throws diva fit* I can do it too! *Z snap*
blissymwattur Tori I found my new IGN when the update comes out! :)
We never Skype anymore. Why you be keeping ya distant, Poile ma homie? </3
Not gonna follow me, but you follow pink and pile...much rood!
Troooooooooooyyyyyyyyyy ;3 You are mah friend!! *puts you in a large handbag and takes you for a walk* MY PRECIOUS...! O,..,O
Aww dat skin<333
He's a-door-able c:
I just realised your minecraft username was a pokemon. So lost OuO I feel stupid.
Is that you in profile picture?
Welcome to the forums... o.o
blossumwarrior StanFozz Hacking [media]
blossumwarrior npawlick Hacking [media]
blossumwarrior theunderwall Hacking [media]
I don't hate you. <3 I have the same issue, but there are always those people who stand by you. <3