[ATTACH] There a semi normal one..
And so have my eyes (; muahahaha...
Perfect! <3 :")
I did not realize people would like them, lol. :P
Thanks :D Glad to see someone creates my creepy art. Cx
Some are...quite creepy..[ATTACH]
[ATTACH] I love editing pictures of my eyes or my friends eyes.. (:
Me wants dat textah pack<3
Yas gurl yas! :)
#Real Life Portrait Selfie....
:cp:Welcome to the forums. Stay a while! I can ensure you that you will have a nice time on this server/forums. Stay forevah....we don't bite... Hard
5'7 1/1 O_O
I tweaked it a bit...just to make it seem a bit more on the mature side.
I can see where you are coming from...
So, this thread is basically used to blow off some steam from a long day or just to blast on someone who has angered you. Have fun blowing off...
Babeh!! Nuu :( Bai <3 I'll miss you. :3
Mud's Name: Beefy-poo<3 How/When You Met This Mud: We met roughly about 3 or 4 months ago on the forums where he helped me improve my Moderator...
When are we doing the trade?