Thanks <3
I love your profile picture! So beautiful. :3 Your profile brings all da boys to the yard, and yes it's like betta than theirs. XD
I support, nub! C:
Tanks, newbie ;3
Bumpeh ;3
Congrats! *sniff*
Da sweg is through the ROOF!!!! :ah:ah:ah:ah:ah:ah:ah:ah
@XOXO and I were kicking butt so much in OP PvP, that we had nubs running away from us XD [media]
blossumwarrior yves0000 Hacking [media]
blossumwarrior OskarAX3 Hacking [media]
Awww :3
Sebbeh cx
Yeh shure yhu dew >.> i cri
Welcome to Mineverse! :) I for one, will not judge you based on your past of hacking. As long as I do not catch you hacking, we're good.
#Betrayal... Y u do dis ;c
Bravo!! Though, I demand to be in every chapter. xD.
Banned for being Well-Known
Banned for shimmying in your sig
Hey.. (: