Lock and archive @larrythebird101
I trust my good ole irish potato [ATTACH] well cause im irish and i love my padea
Bye dude we will all miss you
Thanks for your rating :)
Thx it means alot :D
Ok i will
You have only seen me once on the forums because thats the only time you have seen me
Thx for your opinion
Thx wrestat
808aidan's Forum Mod App Forum name- 808aidan Time zone- Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone (UTC-10:00) Age- I am currently 13 Country- Hawaii,USA...
Need more detail No support
Support mineterria you are nice to people and in all you are a good friend :)
So people actually agree on me to have just forum mods.. finally something i actually helped with
Did my idea work? i see a couple people trying for forum mod
I really dont know what to say because all the things you guys say are true the forum mod has its cons and pros
I dont Think anyone can fix it unless you show a screenshot of your money but it should fix itself
I Lost 40k and my echest a while back
I have never seen you in my life i dont know you jk of course im your friend
Hey guys i ge that we need more moderators on servers but there are some people that can be a 1g1ood mod but cant record . @CypriotMerks Tell me...
Much wow such support much detail much wow app