I listen to stuff like this [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] but if im bored i listen to [MEDIA]
Then why cap it at 50? 1.67 percent chance? thats so rare u will get killed by the time u even get the chance to disarm someone . at least make...
its a joke
ya but thats a skill u unlocked and took days to level up if i had 1000 swords it would be op as fak but u did level it up without cheating
WTF IS THE POINT OF UNARMED if i get a 1.65 percent unarmed ...
Hi its Aidan i have been having problems with fac whenever i punch someone or enderman my unarmed skill doesent level up plz help it stays at lvl...
i mean i put my base exactly like the one in the video i showed i never get raided because i put roses which shows i like to party
Hmm you like memes? looks like we will get along fine;)
No the walls are filled with power claim and love they are unpenetrable ;)
Hey guys its aidan i am showing you a video that best suits on a good way to make a base for the new people to factions enjoy :). [MEDIA] Plz...
@Nightfire Please put in discussion
Hi 808aidan here and I am recruiting people for my fac if you want to join fill out this template. IGN- Rank-(you don't need one) Highest level...
Hey bud I wish I could support but right now I. Giving a half support here is what u need to be or add. Be a active member, Add more detail to...
Oh yes I did my research and everything :)
What do you mean?
To those of you who are thinking that your account is gonna get hacked you are perfectly fine. You literally have to do nothing but wait. Here is...
daniel i didnt do anything wrong your giving me dislikes and i did nothing wrong
Banned for not being a ugly sanic like me