someone capable for this job is hard to find they have to be one of the most trusted people in mineverse.
In the end no one will have the official mineverse channel except the owners. NoobCrew or Cypriot Merks wont allow a random person on the forums...
@AgentWifi Lock the thread please ...
Ive never really seen u in game but i will miss u anyways :(
Congratz dude im counting on you :)
@PandaBear__ lock and archive please
do you?
Age -4 How active are you - 5 min a day Why do you want to join the youtube channel - I want to make money so i can buy some toilet paper How long...
likwe what limit
it shows a link my signature is supposed to be a gif
no its not it shows read rules and the link to rules doesent even work
@ChloyyBear xD
not really it shows that people hate you and not like you but its not true
Alot of people have been getting dislikes because someone hates one another this is kinda sad and should stop for example @Daniel9757 he doesent...
Dude its not just the dislikes i bet u havent even met daniel..