wow Zambiana for Mod
Gl you seem nice :)
Good luck. :) nice application
If you're trying to achieve Mod on this server then fill out the template, or go find another server to be Mod on. :) good luck if you make a...
Hi Cyp :D Ima God now.
Gratz on 1000 thumbs up :D
I never see you ;( Im probably in a different timezone.
Good Luck, have those bullies stopped, also nice app. Good Luck! :)
zambiana it has rumours and bukkit shut down and Microsoft bought Minecraft is has a chance to Notch left there is no more mojang for now
gratz then :D
And Im [Supreme] so its only 20$
Is this the one added ... I haven't played it yet :P
ok I will keep that in mind, I can go for top voter or I can ask a friend for it for my bday :P
alix got demoted?! also creepy map like it, nice concept
wow xD
nuu grayson :(((
ok cos Im thinking of getting God so I was just making sure thanks for the help :)
So Ive heard its closing down...should I believe them?
U say ure 13 then you say 16 ans stop beggibg cyp to promote you