Support good luck
It was also krishy10 he said hateful words to
My ign : sithkitten07 There ign : deansy How they broke rule telling me to kill my self I would like him to be perm banned in lobby and kitpvp...
Thank you dyna
Hello, My IGN : sithkitten07 There ign : dirkdebaas How they broke rule : scamming me Hello, I purchased the rank not him here is proof I...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] my ign : sithkitten07 There ign : nettininja How they broke the rule spamming chat
There is proof that I bought the rank
I'm about to purchase him premium do I post proof I bought it ? @ItsSniiper
I give up Please close this
Yes sir
I have waited about 30 minutes thank you
@ItsSniiper please help me
Ok thank you
Hello I'm trying to get a upgrade from vip to mvp , then mvp to elite.but won't let me, I have my credit card every time I go to do it it says the...
Ok, He never got the rank it was for ARK_bacontv
Here and I never received rank