Moderators do their best, they can't be on at all times. Though I do agree there should be more, but it's a very complex situation when choosing...
The name clearly has numbers at the end.
Two abusers I've found :p Bman0503 cooldudejoshua Edit: Update, there are now ghasts left right and center :rolleyes:
The problem is they're not hacking, they've just been put in creative mod and are abusing it.
I got someones name that's flying right now in diamond armour and a invisibility potion out, 'jacobcf123'
That's exactly what happened yesterday, there was lava placed at spawn and the /tpall command was used. Then people were put into creative.
They think by going invisible will save them, yet it's fairly easy to find out who's got permissions and who doesn't.(Who's an OP and who's not.)
The link is here :
There's a road within creative that got tore apart by yesterdays "event". Don't see it as much of a problem but the people around it do. :c...
Omg, I don't remember voting it "badly" but this is a good and very well detailed application, sorry for the bad vote D; Support!
This looks nice, nice layout and some detail :3 Support!
Thanks guys :) :D
This could be used in the lobby also, there tends to be.. alot of people in there. xD
Support :) If that's even, how it's done. Nicely written and well detailed :3
Okay, I updated it with a about me and alot, more detail. :3
He's a guard? - Prison mod.
Wow, you did say huge report. Solid evidence :]:D
The 1st picture is irrelevant, along with what people are saying above. The 'offender' said "we can be gay togeva" not targeting/calling anyone...
As of right now, Factions, OP PVP, kit PVP and infection. Are the only servers running :c
That was fairly quick considering what happened. So good job @Noobcrew and @CypriotMerks along with other staff :] The only problem that exists...