hi this morning i belive someone hacked my account and chnage my details so i cnat log in im happy with any moderator looking at my account to...
hey im on right now so tell me where to gpo and ill go there
I'll just do It when I come home be on around 4 Cali time
I have an app on my phone where I can do everything I can normally do in chat is it ok
Hi noob crew I have been trying to get ahold of u for a long time first I got banned and my appeal wuz accepted but vamnesa said it glitches so I...
hye my appeal got accepted but the glitch thing happened im on right now can u help me
is there anyway u can help me with the glitching thing im on right now and it still sya im banned
hi csn u get on mineverse my appeal got accepted and vamesa said i wuz glitched cna u help me
Hi my name is Kaoslegit I was banned on kitpvp http://www.mineverse.com/threads/kaoslegit-vamesa-accepted.30989/ I am on pacific time i live in...
could u have pit me to god or no also hank u
hey faded do u know if u can unban me and look at my whole ban appeal or know when vames is getting back on i rely wanted to play right now
im an admin ;-;
i have been waiting for a week and i even contacted u guys on skype can one of u mods do it so i can buy mt titan
hi my minecraft is kaoslegit i have 150 to buy titan as other admins they were switched t go]ds and from to titan its 150 i can t do that cuz i am...
hi im kkaoslegit on minecraft for a week i have been asking to be set to god but i am still on admin i want this beacause i would like to upgrade...
hi i would like to be upgraded to go so i can buy my titan rank and it wont let me without ir