The nick is a hacker he has hacked so far my minecraft and get me banned and my Email here is proof that he did it and someone should do something...
I Never Got hacked lol
i wuz hacked and now they banned me can u do anything
hey my account got hacked and ur mods doesnt do anything can u unban my account and get my account back
uknow im rllyt tired of these mods not doing anything or listeni ng to anything i say i have donated on this server and told u someone is hacking...
ask any1 or maxninja he wuz gonna help me get unbanned and then my account wuz juts on im trying to upload pic and the hacker scammed so much ppl...
Wow this is my second time being banned t and wuz hacked and it wuznt even me I need my account back and if I do get it back I don't wanna be...
Thank u I swear Ian trying to post a pic it's not working wait a half hour I swear plz BELIVE I have never scammed any1. Plz ppl BELIVE me
this it the pici took with my phon eim the alia murder guy and kaoslegit is saying hes real but i am that see i swear dont ban the acocount but...
i knew it i have been alking wiyth him for a while
plz ppl i am not hacking or scamming the guy hacked me i swear to god someone help
i swear to god mits not me ask the mods i need to get my account back mods plz help
plz any1 i would rlly want my account back i would like to also donate more and i already have to be god
vamesa told me to do this and they chnaged the email so i cant do reset password i heard he wuz scamming many ppl if u see him online try to get...
attention every1 i am kaoslegit but someone hacked my account the hacker is scamming all of u plz keep an eye for him online and try to get his...
hi my account has been hacked i heard someone has it and is playing with my account guys if u see any1 with my account on mineverse witgh my...
hi i believe someone from this server hacked my account i went on with a different account amnd i did /seen on my kaoslegit the hacked one an it...
Conor do u have Skype add me and say it's u kaoslegit
I can't sign in where it says on the left tho it says my name Kaoslegit but ten on the right it says another account I havehave