Oh, hmm I put in the url.
The image doesn't work?
Thanks! :O
Well then don't add anyone to the plot, it would be their fault, not the waters
On creative players are not allowed to use water on their plots. I've always wanted to make that sandy beach RP that everyone could enjoy! There...
Support! :D
Well, the way you worded it made it sound confusing. But now that you have explained it to me. I support! :)
I do support you.... Its just I haven't seen you one many gamemodes
He was purple
Support! So true, I hate it as well
I dont understand it broke my brain, if u would like my support, please make it a little easier to understand. For right now you don't have my...
I do play other game modes. all of them actually
No support, Ive only ever seen you on bed wars. Other reasons stated
I love your app but I have never seen u in game before and I've been on movers for a year Netrual
I love the idea! Support! :)
Honestly, its a cool idea but it just makes everyone else feel like there not important. Also, it depends on what you can do with the rank....
On bw!
On hellblock!
Survival isn't really that kind of game. And if u want a better kit ask someone with a rank or get it yourself. No support. Sorry:confused: