All reasons.
"Aim for the moon, if u fail you will fall upon the stars"
A quote to make you happy
me too bestie :)
support! you would make a great mod!
Neutral, reasons stated.
Support!!!!!! You were and will be a great mod! :) best of luck -Super
No support. Reasons stated above. -best of luck in the future
No support. Dont lie in your app. The server hasn't been up for 10 years. Follow template please.
No support. Please fill out the template and add more detail to your app. Also, I haven't ever seen you ig. Other reasons stated.
Support, I hate when that happens.
we could have multiple games added to the server once everything else is fixed. But thx for the support Thx :)
Thank you all! :)
Well, you can't say neutral just because someone will beat you, thats not fair to the idea, please give another reason for neutral, thank you
Thanks guys! :D
Thank you!
So, many of you might be familiar with the mini game, build battle. This is a very popular game on other servers. wouldn't it be cool if we...
Thanks guys