[media] RangerBaker Combat logged
Nice kill aura
I didn't get reported, I wouldn't be able to be on here otherwise
Wow, kill aura
I love the new spawn, its really good, but in anyway you can please fix the lag.
There is no possible way you could deny that you were using hacked armor, you showed him that you had it, there is no point in denying it.
We have full proof of it, If you didn't want to get caught you shouldn't have used it
We have proof of it on the post Good luck on disagreeing
If you didn't know I recorded the video. I was using and Invisible potion and Knash1 used tracker to see me. He also used kill aura.
Thats not why i support this, and im not cussing, you just can accept the fact that you were caught with hacks
Its called a hack for a reason, It hacks the server for you to do stuff
Thats why its called a "hack"
You can't fly up, One of my friends tried it on another server
Then you were flying
Dude thats not how lagging works, Players don't float in the air when you lag
You can't just lag in the air like that, surprisingly minecraft doesn't work like that
I support, i was on at the time too
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I would but my fraps broke and i didnt think about taking the picture until i just about couldn't see it on chat
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