Can I just suggest to make bounty, and arrow prices lower, for example, 1 explosive arrow is 3$ each, it really is a waste of money to buy them.
Support, although not necessary to have 2 stacks of arrows... I end up with a full inventory of arrows after fighting for a few minutes.
It has pwnfilter, but it isn't edited to block certain words, cyp and crew need to do that in the config files.
Thing is, the arrows are too expensive to use, so nobody uses them.
Just a few little suggestions, after experience playing the server for the past few days. 1. Make fire, poison, and explosive arrows cheaper....
I would prefer something similar to the archerpvp map. I mean, the spawn on kitpvp is pathetic and old... lol
Do you really think that the spawn for mineverse is good? It is literally a dug out hole in a mountain with a few shop buy signs and an...
make a new map, its like over 2 years old...
If you made archer pvp spawn, nice ;3
I agree that this is unfair. My account was hacked, and then my rank was not allowed a transfer, I really dislike this rule and I struggle to...
Welcome to the world of Mineversia! Enjoy your stay, and have fun. Pm me for questions.
:P just constructive criticism
Wasn't fixed for months too.
Pornographic prophile pic? @rachetclanks ban this nub.
@Fruit1k @TureMu @mcquade54 @thorraks @Flyntintarentino
Terrick: "Make me mod" CypriotMerks: "Make an application so I can make you mod" Terrick: "Why?" Cypriotmerks: "So it looks legit"
You may aswell get two god accounts rather than a titan account.
Oh right. Sorry read it wrong.