You see your dream person, trapped in a tower, high in the sky. Also many guards are there armed with machine guns. What would you do? You have:...
Your ingame name:. omie2001 The offender's ingame name: PvP_Pro2 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Spamming horrible words...
We all know, that there has been many problems with the skyblock server. 1st the warps stop working 2nd money is reset 3rd now its come to this:
I am the #1 skyblock homie! ;) (well 1 of them anyway) My inventory on Skyblock:
With the new fix many things went wrong, things got duplicated, and I lost my 100k!!!!! I'm sorry I have no proof :( but I really did have 100k....
Hello :), I am buying ranks for items in-game. Please know that it will be for $20 or less. Some of the servers on mineverse I play/would like...
There is something wrong on skyblock. The warps are broken and when you do /warp fly it makes you able to fly. This needs to be fixed Very soon. I...
If you like me and if you are my friend post "Hi" If you love me/trust me post "<3" If you hate me :( Post "Sucka"
For a long time, I have wanted to make my own signature :) I have no idea how :P Can any1 help me?:)
What are you're favorite servers on mineverse? [Pick two of them and post them below] Mine are skyblock and infection :P
I am clearly the best (besides noob and cyp) Yup you heard me :D :P Look
Some guy some how came to my island and set a warp called omie2001. Its very easy to guess and so many people are warping and jumping on all my...
It is clear to me, that everyone wants me to quit mineverse :(. So now, I might be quitting
Some of the challenges for skyblock are broken, and I'm sure you know. Please fix at least the builder ones. This is a serious problem I can't...
Buying ranks $20 or less Give me an offer. Only my best buds :happy:
hi woops I need help
Hi can a moderator help me with a little problem? It says that I have 5 warps already and I can't even remember one of them :( . Do you mind...
If you want play with me on mineverse just post it right here. :D
How can I start recording while I am in-game? I see lots of hackers and also I need to post infection maps
Your ingame name: Omie2001 The offender's ingame name: Multiple IGNs A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: spam bots like...