Dang it, the new annoucement you guys see on the front page, my fault, trying to fix it.
yup, moderating at its finest
It is archived by merks.
Thank you for your report. The reported player has been warned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.
Block lag must have been your connection towards the server or something. I don't know.
You're not leaving me.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.
They are busy fixing other people's ranks. Show proof of your old IGN and new one, transaction ID of your purchase of the god rank and what...
Thank you.
Have you emailed [email protected] with proof that you had your god rank?
I want you on the staff team, you were an amazing mod. I support.
I'm neutral.
Baby_12_34 has to request a lock.