rip :(
there are now 25 likes on cyp' post...:I [IMG]
Infection: Either too much lag or because of the prestige glitch.
So she went to a recruitment office and met with Kanye who said...
Welcome! :)
SORRY for this post, but I needed to say that I have added a supports/no supports list. I have also added a poll!
where she...
The mom got another job at...
Hi! Glad to meet you! I hope you enjoy mineverse! I'm bwol. You will find me on infection ;)
That just got fired for...
Hm. I supported your first app because of your leadership qualities. Support!
On Saturdays it is a today!
who's mother is...
I love this idea! support.
Driving away from a...
Each person will continue the short fragment that each person writes! It is really fun :P I'll start! Steve fell off a cliff and landed.....
Just look at some other people's applications to get an idea of what they need look like!