More support! You really need mod :)
Nice picture!
Ares is pretty cool XD
shouldn't this be in the help forum?
Yeah. Poor Guy...
More Support. You need mod
YES. I know that a lot of people would be disappointed, but I feel like it just needs one!! That is my opinion.
Then steve pops up throws a shoe at...
Murdered Pac-Man. Everyone was...
LOL ^ I don't know anything yet but as soon as I get the answers they are going straight to you!
The world ended. New story! Jack and Jill went down the hill in their....
I WOULD be fine with a reset
Then he went to Professor Oak and asked him for..
He made an appeal. It got accepted, but when he went on infection he...
The enthusiasm is what leads me to giving you more support! :I
Why has this not been implemented yet? It is amazing :)
Hi! Welcome to the forums!
more support ;)
Exactly. Wasn't sure If this was a good idea or not. I sort of just wanted to see if the community likes it or not. I was actually leaning on the...