Support. It could be fun for people with Mineverse's ranks to meet with people with's ranks.
Agreed and support, but that being said they also need to fix the huge issues with 1.14 and 1.15 where doors, trapdoors, fences and iron bars are...
Thank you Discomfit!
I have made two polls to see which infection maps are the most liked by the community and which aren't. Please only vote once :) Poll for the best...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: robosmith10 The offender's exact ingame name: KSEDERAK...
Thank you! May the force be with you fellow Star Wars fan :P
Thanks Derp! Thank you Jhow! :D
I know but it's the best we have because the lobby was reset in 2014 and that's wrong too. Kitpvp was never reset.
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: robosmith10 The offender's exact ingame name: Zusy A...
Bump! :P
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: robosmith10 The offender's exact ingame name:...
I haven't seen you since the old Infection days of 2014. Wow, it's been so long. I don't know if you remember me but I was a regular infection...
Support. From what I've seen you are mature and capable of being a moderator.
Thank you Redroyalle! We should make another map sometime. Also nice meme :D
Thank you so much Vem! I know you were hesitant at first because I didn't have a lot of recent reports but I am continuing to report more players....
Welcome to Mineverse! Enjoy your stay here and feel free to ask any questions about the server!
Bump! :D
Support. I visited the plot myself and was given a tour by Discomfit and I told him which spots needed changing. Although the underground still...
Support! Anything is possible with the right coding.