Well isn't this why there's websites with Minecraft servers with the ip? That's how most people find servers like ours, and people mostly use...
Your ingame name: brianjm01 The offender's ingame name: champmatt A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Kill aura, Aimbot...
Ign: brianjm01 Edit or New skin: New skin Boy with pink sweater and white dots on the sweater. And just white pants. Oh and brown hair. Thanks :)
This good enough evidence to show his kill aura.
Your ingame name: brianjm01 The offender's ingame name: mdp1701 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Kill aura and aimbot...
Support even if you have made mistakes in the past, we are humane and make mistakes. Good luck to you
Enjoy the break as everyone needs one once and a while ;)
Uh... Ok...?
Damn... You're good
As of from your death in pvp, you started to rage by cussing at me and threatening to ddos in /msg
Your ingame name: brianjm01 The offender's ingame name: bluediamond89 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Rage by cussing...
You have just unlocked a major achievement: BEAT MISSPVP_ IN A 1v1!
[Spoiler] http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Z64hRF2ODvs/UJpp8KVD2NI/AAAAAAAAQiU/PV5waz1Du7U/s1600/Best-Rotten-E-Cards-05.jpg
How do you make a spoiler
Welcome! If you have any questions, be sure to bug the staff about it! Since you enjoy pvp, we hope you enjoy our kitpvp and oppvp game modes!
Support, but weren't their free ranks before like Major and Captain?
You've been banned for advertising, and you're not active on the forums, no support. I also don't see you helping out I know you play Infection most
Your ingame name: brianjm01 The offender's ingame name: xX_SnowRaze_Xx and wookie37 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
Can I be a maid? :3
We worked so hard on factions, me and my friend to build our base. Why should Factions and survival get restarted but not prison?