I agree, Op pvp proves nothing but how to eat a gapple every 30 seconds.
More info in why i should I be mod. Then I'll support :P
Ugh I hate it when someone griefs your town. Similiar to me also In factions, my faction got grieved and raided and I lost everything
Killing a player in Kit and got Unb 3 P4 and a smite V sharp V sword, but then tried to pearl into spawn but pearled into the lobby portal and...
My bad, I meant to put agree lol sorry for that. I think you should add a little more information in why I should be mod section. Also I noticed...
Hello @Chloyybear4ever, gg [media]
Looks good but a lot of color :confused:. I know it's just minor but remove some of the color or have some paragraphs the same color. Besides that...
Can I violate you when you're AFK?
You're an amazing mod. All I can say is keep up the good work! :P
Bye :(
Just look at their name if it shows [Mod] or [Supreme], I don't think a color change is needed
CypriotMerks (4)
Lol all he does is egg, suicide, egg, and so on until you die. XD saddd
Same, they really have to remove that for prestige 6 and change it to something else. I got egged like 10 times in less than a minute by a p6 player.
Never been banned. So far clean record... For now... :cat:
Your ingame name: brianjm01 The offender's ingame name: Buddy12436 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Aimbot...
Eat cookies at home with @Grayson
I'd like to 1v1 all of the girl pvpers on the list IGN: brianjm01
bnraiff: [media]
Official list from now: 1. bnraiff 2. Chloyybear4ever :D 3. madisonjr (Video was crashed, so luckyy for you) 4. MiningCreeper454 5. Firo3000 6....