The problem with 10 year old noobs on kitpvp... They're so bad they accuse the good and experienced pvpers of hacking and end up recording them,...
More info, and I might support. Good luck though ;)
No optifind either. And I enjoy recording hackers :(
support gl
I'll make this short I broke my arm (radius and ulna) so I won't be on for a couple months so no pvping for me a while. Take care guys and I'll be...
Support <3
Cool... What a shocker it is you found the owner..
You probably don't look hard enough. Next time do /list to see and it shows all the prayers and their donor ranks, and mods too
Didnt think about that so youre right
Im not even a donor lol, but why dont they just add Fire aspect Elite and up
Get dem hackers banned son ;)
Follow for follow :)
Support :) And yikes more than 7k views! :eek::bitenails:
Your ingame name: brianjm01 The offender's ingame name: Yacine667 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Kill Aura...
How would I do that then
Cya. :( Can I get atleast 500$?
Yay 1.8 is out :D
Gratz! :D
That too :P