520 levels lost!
I need my Infection levels back!
Support. I have seen you on Infection a few times and you seem pretty nice.
Support. I have seen you In-Game a few times.
Support! I loved this map. I got my most rofls on it.
Thank you for all of the help. I can tell now that I'm not exactly ready.
Moderator Application By: yeahsquirrel Hello there, and thank you for taking the time to read my Moderator Application. I hope you will enjoy my...
Support. I've seen you on infection, and you seem nice
Support (btw, I like the colors)
Support. You have a nice, solid application that really informs me on how you can help the server as a moderator.
I am yeahsquirrel in-game. I am reporting AceMaddDogg for use of speed hacks, fly hacks, antikb, and kill aura in infection.
Support. You are nice and helpful when I have seen you on Infection. :)
Hello, my name is Aidan. I am applying for moderator to help stop hackers and to help in general with people. I want you all to only reply with...
I support you Jhoe
IGN: yeahsquirrel Age (just give us a rough age e.g. 9-11): 12 Prestige: P2 Level 105 Donator Rank (if any. also be advised that you have low...
where are builder apps?
OK guys thank you for the information.