i miss you
hey logan
get it girl
love u Max <333
Thanks I think? lmao Thank you :) I wasn't demoted, I left the staff team on my own terms. As for this, I mean if I'm able to help with that...
Grey's Anatomy is the saddest show ever
I see where you're coming from, but MV still needs staff for the players that are here, even if there aren't that many. Thank you for the support <3
you rated it disagree before i said that :weary:
such a random person to ship me w lmao what
aw wait I forgot to reply to this. Your old name sounds familiar but I'm not too sure. n thanks : )
idk her
Ty <3
Thanks guys ❤️ I joined back a little while ago, I just wasn’t on the forums. Is that the only thing?
thanks chain
I decided to keep this application short and straight to the point, but if you want to read my previous application, almost everything I included...
you’re ugly for liking kpop get off my profile
I would never