No it's not all that big of a deal but I should be able to get to anyone of his plots not just the first one
I don't think I did also the post you quoted was before I fixed some things with the rank wall. For the current version of the rank wall just look...
▕▔▔▏▕▔▔▏▕▔▔▏▕▔▔▏ ▕▏┈▔▔┈▕▏▕▂▂▏▕▏▕▏ ▕▏╭╮╭╮▕▏▕▔▔▏▕▏▕▏ ▕▏┳╭╮┳▕▏▕▏▕▏▕▏▕▏ ▕▏╰━━╯▕▏▕▏▕▏▕▂▂▏ ▕▏┈▂▂┈▕▏▕▏▕▏▕▔▔▏ ▕▂▂▏▕▂▂▏▕▂▂▏▕▂▂▏ THE BUMP CAT HAS SPOKEN
It is ideas and suggestions do u mean the suggestions section I think that would be a better section
Cool support I was thinking one sign on each side of the mine do there would be 4 in all
What if you made donor mines but you can sell stuff for different amounts. Like a rank and b rank have the same donor mine but b gets more money...
Ok but does it depend on what letter you are for how much you can sell the stuffs?
We need a new sb spawn
No support mineverse needs to come up with something new not just OP versions of every server.
K thanks
Ok ty
I see people who have upside-down pets and sheep that change colors sometimes. Do you know how to make either of those?
I see people with pets that are upside down and some people have rainbow sheeps that change colors. Do you know how to make these?
Sorta simple look around at all the other spawns around mineverse (execpt skyblock and kit pvp) they are all very well designed and detailed. I...
Support they should also make one for skyblock
You can't buy happiness.....but you can buy icecream.
No support and also tagging all the mods won't help for Cypriot or noobcrew to see it faster
Thanks guyz for the support
Hey noobcrew I talked to you in game to see about adding a new skyblock spawn. I remember you said you would check out my submission so here is...