Wow it looks awesome. Check this out this is what the boat thing will be like @staffordjr9
Spawn-killing is just part of the game so no support on that rule but support for slimes/magama cubes
They can, carnival was originally built in creative. And Some infection maps are not very detailed so I think this is good
Is it possible to get this fixed?
Can you make like a "factions for dummies" episode? I don't understand how to play at all I've tried before.
I admit we don't need it but, admit it, it would be pretty cool to have. It won't hurt anything. It would be epic.
Ok we made a couple more improvments the grass has a few pieces of gravel mixed in
I guess
Creative: Ilikeicecream83 Bob the builder Batman Taylor Swift Sponge bob Top hacker: CypriotMerkz
Can we have more infection maps?
He's right. That was before stafford and I made a tons of improvements now it is really cool but when pops made that comment it was sorta plain....
Can you plz look at my infection map? I've got a ton of supporters....
Can u look at my infection map I've gotten a ton of supporters and no non-supporters (Since I updated...