It's just text. Same signature as I have now u can look at it
Hi I recently made a new signature. I just saw it says my signature has been modified. It looks like the last line for removed for some reason. It...
Opps well than it should be "Nightfire and I"
Dis is kewl I support we need more/new maps too
Hi I like the skyblock spawn! It's kool. Can I suggest making more infection maps we have had the same ones since is was relased
I think people rated that cuz you said "me and knightfire" it should be"Nightfire and I" but support
Ok so does you time keep going even if your offline? Or do you have to be online for your time to run
What happens when you get jailed?
When will they get added?
I think we should get completly brand new maps. Like restart infection, but not all of the prestiges. We could keep a few of the best ones. I...
Exactly so......why not have a team deathmatch with our own server? Why go to the extra trouble? Who really cares? Why would it matter?
Wait.....why do we have to battle other servers? Why not just go against ourselfs? Like make 2 teams why go to the extra trouble to get other...
What is the point of prestige 8-10 if you can only use your perk once? Like If I get 2 arrows can't I only use one of them?
In skyblock when I try to sell my voter keys at spawn it says "You are not allowed to open this in this area" I would like this to be fixed soon...
Ok I don't think it matters if 2 maps are similar. (Caves and the mineshaft one). But anyway our map isn't really like stronghold that much. We...
Is there any reason why? Also any suggestions to improve the map would be great. @kirbyo32 @Awesomedude9137