Wait isn't thread supposed to go under help and not rant?
I'm starting to think that you don't really even know what coding is.
we started of with cat try again
Wait what? there's no plot limit? then why did cyp confiscate 8 of my plots and only left me with 2
where did you build it? I'd love to see it :)
I'm not sure but I think he is pointing out that you might just be trying to reply to cyp's threads so he might read your app and that he realized...
Hmm.. well it's not like it can be controlled and having more storage isn't really the problem. Like Pigz said, money farming is the most unfair...
I would like to give it a go. Just tell me when ;)
Bubbles, I like bubbles :);):D;):) (and smiley faces)
I dunno if you read it but there was a guy who made a lag machine and then boasted about it on the forums but he's banned now so it shouldn't be...
If you're just talking about the forums when it's written member its just that you have posted over a certain amount of things so there are no...
I'm pretty sure that hunger games is is the one with the chests all over with a bunch of food and armor and in survival games you can choose one...
wow that's really nice ;)
Now I'm ready to support ;)
He can't get jailed if you don't use the proper format
Wow it's been a long time since then. It must have been like 5 months ago that we did a trade or something. I remember cause you didn't trust me...