Looks like a good app and you seem like a nice person. Support
Congrats, I saw you on all day getting closer and closer and you finally made it :)
Actually , I'm talking about a different, little known bug that didn't exist in the old prison. In the old one that's unfix able, people just log...
Guess who's back, back again, bubble's back, tell a friend
Guess who's back
But people with plots already have a command to teleport to their plot
Definitely support
Thanks for the support
Nice app, support
I agree with most of them but for prison one big problem with setting homes is that people would just set furnace rooms as their homes and just go...
I also support this. Great idea :)
One of the biggest problems on prison has been the chests on plots that players can't break. I was wondering if someone could set up a command or...
I'm back
Thanks for supporting ;)
I recently bought a prison plot but unfortunately I can't use it because it's filled with locked chests. My plot id is plot1, could someone please...
I recently found an easily fixable bug with the big furnace rooms near the D, C, B and A mines. People are breaking the stone brick walls and...
Well I know that nobody has suggested this but I've decided to learn objective-c first cause I'm realizing that I want to learn an object oriented...
Lol my last sentence said you would most likely rate my comment dumb and out of all 14 options you chose to rate my comment dumb so I think that...
Is anyone going through this section?
When you vote you have to be online at the same time. Maybe that's it