How old Are you? I am 14 years old...
I swear to god, I hate this new fence in the fourth parkour level. Everybody is piling up at the ladder block and blocks my jump view, and it's...
Me and some other IV's were hanging out. one of them flew and tries to get my attention. I got pics. [ATTACH][ATTACH] [ATTACH][ATTACH]...
As most people can tell, Parkour level 4 was griefed and cannot be completed. That is, without hacking. I have found someone who was hacking and...
So I was just playing Parkour when I noticed two hackers. I wanted to report them for flying, so I did that. These are some screenshots of them...
My in-game name is New_Atlus. Lately, I knew a guy called Flamingtorch83. (He made a Mod Application) So i can say, he is dishonest and tells lies...