You could have a party chat with whoever you want just do /party
It has been fixed thanks for everyone's help
Thanks for replying I just need someone to even just tp me to spawn or something like that or even just kill me in the game so I respawn I don't...
edward can u please help and just get someone that can help me to stop me from glitching on factions
Edward can you please get someone that can help me with my glitch in factions because I really want to play
Can u please help me factions because I am stuck in a flying glitch please reply
Can the owner, an admin or a moderator please help I have waiting since Monday
I ask some moderators but they said that they can't help me and I tried /spawn
Hello my name is oxrage789 can you please help I am stuck in a fly glitch please reply thank you
Hello my name is oxrage789 and I am glitching out in factions it just keeps kicking me can someone just tp me to spawn or something please reply...
Hello noobcrew I am oxrage789 and I am in factions but I am glitch to where it kicks me every time I go on can u please reply
Hey Edward I am in faction and I am stuck fling and it is kicking can u help me