Relatable: That Moment Your Like," Hey Man, Lets Watch A Horror Movie!" After the Movie," Dude, Walk Me To The Bathroom." ._.
That Awkward Moment You Laugh So Hard, No Noise Comes Out. So You Sit There Clapping, Like A Retarded Seal. ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
Still Waiting On A Response for My Moderator Application, But Patience Is Key :D
Was Mineverse just down for Maintenance a couple of minutes ago, or was my Mc acting up?
I'm going to cut right to the chase. I think we should have more available maps open to the public. I constantly hear people complain about the...
Well consider this. People who you report it to are extremely busy and tons of people do it. So, lets say someone was spamming. By the time...
I personally agree with Panda simply because I can relate to his situation. Also, by allowing /ignore, no one can take use it anyway they aren't...
Waiting on my response for my application for Moderator on Mineverse :3 Really Excited :D
@ SomeGuy & Pumagirl -Thanks for the comments and support guys! You have no idea how much that makes me feel :). Not trying to be cheesy lol....
I agree with the handsome gentleman currently above me ;)
Just applied for Moderator on my favorite server! Hopefully I get the opportunity to prove how much of a help I can be! :D
How old are you? I am 15 years old at the moment. Your in-game name: XxMR_NiCESPiCExX Is My In-Game Username. What timezone are you in? I...
Hi My Name (In-Game) Is XxMR_NiCESPiCExX and The person by the name of HeatSync refused to stop spamming we /msg and asking me the same questions...