Ban me for chargeback. Okay <3 I wanted titan back, so I didn't want my money. Thanks Cyp, I appreciate it.
Noobcrew, I had a chargeback, but I don't want my money back. I want titan back. Is there anyway can you fix it?
I've sent two e-mails, don't worry about it. I quit the Server. I was banned globally.
@CypriotMerks @Noobcrew
Well as you know on February fourth of 2015, name changing was released. So in March I decided to change my name! JOJOAIDAN -> __Jojo__ ->...
Still hasn't answered, thanks Cyp. :(
He's bad.
@Richard P. xc
I win :> [ATTACH]
@Ares_Xena @zeldaninjamonkey @PopIs_MyLife @Richard P. @davetheking12
I said I'm being rude because I'm in a b*tchy mood.
Why don't you like it? I've added more detail than you ever will ;). I am being rude because I am stressed right now, don't judge.
Any reason at all?
This is not right. Cyp made the biggest mistake. R.I.P. Kato, you were the best.
You know there's a comment button, right? You don't need to make a new status every two seconds.
How old are you now?
Support, good app for a new member.
@Dontchallengeme @Ares_Xena @PopIs_MyLife @tin15cro the reward is over, please close this thread :).