Support, I hope you, @Meowmix, and I get accepted together :3
wooow a moderator joined in 2015. besides tigr ._.
i wanna go to bewb land D: give me google map directions or text me xD
nig u not 41 dafokinhell
idk y u askin me D:
Your forums account name: @JewJew The offender's forums account name: @Jojo_Xena A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
everything. <3
Going to keep this open until April promotions after that, it's closing time ;-;
wtf you joined dec 6 14 and you have f*cking 600 positives -.-
Owner: @Ares_Xena Co-Owner: @davetheking12 Head-Moderator: @Richard P. Head-Admin: @Meowmix Mods: @SuperHeroSean @JewJew (opaf) @PinkStr3ak...
*cough* Haven't got any tags *cough* AHEMMM
who? yes I'm in the most racist picture ever, deal with it. I'm obviously the middle one ._. short but sexy >:>
._. I have no words.
._. you look like you're 15. .__________.
i dont no were ban is bcos i ned 2 b ban3d
@Ares_Xena Your forums account name: JewJew The offender's forums account name: JewJew A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
Please ban me on forums. ;).
I'm so [Edit] done.