I still dont have my rank :P
You type in the command wait 3 seconds then the chest will open :P
good save
Mod him now we demand
It takes 3 to warm up the command and if you move/take dmg it closes
The trap worked! gettem <3
Hey im your only Sweetie call someone else it again then we get a divorce
How would it ruin skygrid :I please explain
/chest has a warm up of 3seconds and it also closes if you get hit :P
Thats the only reason i win in pvp jitterclick ftw C:
Support @CypriotMerks @Noobcrew
Get the razer naga 2014 12 key binds. and long time use
I shreck your team all day every day
lion your team scks m8
Dont crash mcnerd stay classy
lion im better then everyone on that team :P
Zero_Inzanity i wanna join your team xxxvan, wanna test my skill 1v1 me and see see TooOp4you\ I agree
I will hurt you C:
I will offer 600 creeper eggs and 1mill on opfactions invontory of p4 and 40k on factions 3 sharp 5 axes on kitpvp for titan rank for...