I can do what i want you illiterate moron. And how did you even get minecraft? much less who got it for you because they deserve getting curbed...
Your a waist of time next thing you say better be "Real mods who deserve it lock this thread." or else im going to get you fourm's banned
Flare let me JOIN or else
I know how to fix the dup glitch c:
O great this moron again *FacePalms* UnicornMagixFire you are lieing about your age how long you play a day and how long you have played on MV....
You have recorded me without my permission? i'm reporting you to the FCC
63 Rachet is a offacle nerd
Ill make the deal for the kitpvp and opfactions stuff maybe depends on if i can get payed on Friday or not
koaslegit is Zombie__Creed and Ducky they own the account and Zombie__Creed fried my router for calling him out on it
Get fourms banned newb!1!!!!!1
DontChallangeMe is probley more legit then anyone on the server ive never seen him hack once in my 8-9 months of playing mineverse. and he always...
Th3Nick56 has been DDoSing me and he got Derek (mazzue11/blakedabow/darkassain569/koasgod/huzuke) has fried my router and i will not be back...
DontChallangeMe is y mum and i know my mum dosent hack
This is the moment duckys life has led up to. plot twist he dies right before it happens <3
I raid UncleUrnesto all day everyday
I payed nothing for my ranks and i got a alt thats god and i also dident buy the rank on it. It took me about 4mill on factions to get the god...
What* and your not getting a better deal what your offering is only worth VIP titan alone is worth 9-10k so stop begging people to take the deal...
hats only worth VIP. your not getting a better deal now deal with it :I
<3 you mad bro?
You threatened to DDoS a mod and your worthless your attacks are barley hitting me, script kitty