sando ;cccc
matt2 do you need a tissue
yes i am the skyblock staff member
if i get 4 more messages i can apply i won't but the idea of me applying should scare you
I don't actively play on Mineverse, but you are a moderator and a person that I respect and care for. I understand why you chose to resign as I...
congrats!! <3
free pics at my island
i didn’t want him to resign??? how is this good :/
i’ll ask about your promo asap
woah woah woah don’t you dare disrespect kerahna :< they are both lovely people <3
i didn’t beg her! :< i asked politely if she could change it
you should dm me your friend code so we can play acnh together
how to see without my eyes
no support. use more colors
idek what to say
you added a mask to the goat